

curriculum vitae cv


Ph.D., Sociology (Area concentration: Environment), Michigan State University, 2014
--Specializations: Environmental Science & Policy; Animal Studies; Gender, Justice, & Environmental Change

M.A., Sociology, University of Wyoming, 2011

B.A., Secondary Education/Social Studies, cum laude, Sociology Minor, University of Wyoming, 2009


From the disciplinary lens of sociology: environmental sociology, sociology of technology, social theory, political economy, animals and society

From the disciplinary lens of environmental social science: climate justice, environmental justice, environmental communication, political economy of the environment, environment and technology, post-growth/degrowth, environmental policy, biodiversity loss/conservation


Miami University

Professor, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Fall 2024
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Fall 2021 – Spring 2024
Affiliate, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Spring 2018

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Fall 2015 – Spring 2021

Michigan State University

Fixed-term Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Summer 2014 – Spring 2015

Instructor, Department of Sociology, Summer 2013

Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Fall 2011 – Spring 2014

University of Wyoming

Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Fall 2009 – Spring 2011



Stuart, Diana, Brian Petersen, and Ryan Gunderson. 2023. A Climate Agenda for System Change: From Theory to Social Transformation. Leicester, UK: MayFly Books.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2021. Hothouse Utopia: Dialectics Facing Unsavable Futures. Washington, DC: Zero Books.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2020. Making the Familiar Strange: Sociology Contra Reification. New York: Routledge.
Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2020. The Degrowth Alternative: A Path to Address Our Environmental Crisis? New York: Routledge.
Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2020. Climate Change Solutions: Beyond the Capital-Climate Contradiction. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • 2020 Nautilus Book Award - Ecology and Environment, Silver

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
  • Student co-authors are underlined.  

Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. Forthcoming. "Is a New Economic System Necessary to Address Climate Change?" WIREs Climate Change.
Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. Forthcoming. "The Political Economy of Amphibian Declines." Reptiles & Amphibians
Gunderson, Ryan and William Charles. In press. "The Technicization of Knowledge: Georges Gurvitch's Warnings Applied to the Case of Nudge." Distinktion.
Charles, William and Ryan Gunderson. 2024. "Post-Legitimate Society." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 54(4):498-516.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2024. "A Perverse Effect of Captive Propagation? The Federally Unprotected Status of the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis)." Biological Conservation 300:110864.
Stuart, Diana, Brian Petersen, and Ryan Gunderson. 2024. "Addressing the Irrational Drivers of the Climate Crisis: Surplus Repression and Destructive Production." Nature and Culture 19(2):113-134.
Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2024. "Revisiting Marcuse's Technological Rationality: Nuclear Fusion Advancement in the Age of Climate Change." Critical Sociology 50(2):297-316.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2023. "Is Ideology Critique Worthwhile? A Defense of Writing for an Absent Audience in a Warming, Cynical World." Capital & Class 47(4):613-639.

Gunderson, Ryan and William Charles. 2023. “A Sociology of 'Climatage': The Appeal and Counterproductivity of Property Destruction as a Climate Change Strategy." Environmental Sociology 9(4):398-408.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2023. "Powerless, Stupefied, and Repressed Actors Cannot Challenge Climate Change: Real Helplessness as a Barrier Between Climate Concern and Action." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 53(2):271-295.

Stuart, Diana, Brian Petersen, and Ryan Gunderson. 2023. "Articulating System Change to Effectively and Justly Address the Climate Crisis." Globalizations 20(3):432-446.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2022. "Human-Computer Interaction Research Needs a Theory of Social Structure: The Dark Side of Digital Technology Systems Hidden in User Experience." Human Studies 45(2):529-550.
Gunderson, Ryan and Claiton Fyock. 2022. "Are Fossil Fuel CEOs Responsible for Climate Change? Social Structure and Criminal Law Approaches to Climate Litigation." Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 12(2):378-385.
Gunderson, Ryan and Claiton Fyock. 2022. "The Political Economy of Climate Change Litigation: Is There a Point to Suing Fossil Fuel Companies?" New Political Economy 27(3):441-454. 

Stuart, Diana, Brian Petersen, and Ryan Gunderson. 2022. "Shared Pretenses for Collective Inaction: The Economic Growth Imperative, COVID-19, and Climate Change." Globalizations 19(3):408-425. 
  • Reprint: Ch. 3 in Post-Covid Transformations, edited by Kevin Gray and Barry K. Gills. Routledge, 2022.

Megura, Matthew and Ryan Gunderson. 2022. "Better Poison is the Cure? Critically Examining Fossil Fuel Companies, Climate Change Framing, and Corporate Sustainability Reports." Energy Research & Social Science 85:102388.
Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. 2021. "In Search of Plan(et) B: Irrational Rationality, Capitalist Realism, and Space Colonization." Futures 134:102857.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2021. "How Do Social Structures Become Taken for Granted? Social Reproduction in Calm and Crisis." Human Studies 44(4):741-762.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2021. "Must Cognitive Sociology Heed Capitalism? Attention and Marginal Consciousness in Political-Economic Context." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 51(3):306-326.
Gunderson, Ryan and Sun-Jin Yun. 2021. "Building Energy Democracy to Mend Ecological and Epistemic Rifts: An Environmental Sociological Examination of Seoul's One Less Nuclear Power Plant Initiative."
Energy Research & Social Science 72:101884.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2021. "Things Are the Way They Are: A Typology of Reification." Sociological Perspectives 64(1):127-150.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2020. "The Mundane Dialectic of Enlightenment: Typification as Everyday Identity Thinking." Human Studies 43(4):521-543.
Houser, Matthew, Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, and Riva C. H. Denny. 2020. "How Farmers 'Repair' the Industrial Agricultural System." Agriculture and Human Values 37(4):983-997. 
  • Reprint: Pp. 49-63 in Social Innovation and Sustainability Transition, edited by Geoff Desa and Xiangping Jia. Springer, 2022.
Ogundipe, Emmanuel A. and Ryan Gunderson. 2020. "Lay Victims' Conceptions of Environmental Crime and Environmental Injustice: The Case of the Chem-Dyne Superfund Site." Social Justice Research 33(4):454-479.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2020. "A Materialist Conception of the Lifeworld: Enzo Paci's Social Phenomenology of Technology and the Environment." Technology in Society 63:101377. 
Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2020. "The Climate Crisis as a Catalyst for Emancipatory Transformation: An Examination of the Possible." International Sociology 35(4):433-456.

Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2020. "Carbon Geoengineering and the Metabolic Rift: Solution or Social Reproduction?" Critical Sociology 46(7-8):1233-1249.
Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. 2020. "Materialized Ideology and Environmental Problems: The Cases of Solar Geoengineering and Agricultural Biotechnology." European Journal of Social Theory 23(3):389-410.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2020. "Dialectics Facing Prehistoric Catastrophe: Merely Possible Climate Change Solutions." Critical Sociology 46(4-5):605-621.

Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2020. "Overconsumption as Ideology: Implications for Production and Climate Change." Nature and Culture 15(2):199-223.

Stuart, Diana and Ryan Gunderson. 2020. “Nonhuman Animals as Fictitious Commodities: Exploitation and Consequences in Industrial Agriculture.” Society & Animals 28(3):291-310.

Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Matthew Houser. 2020. "A Political-Economic Theory of Relevance: Explaining Climate Change Inaction." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50(1):42-63.

Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. 2020. "The Fossil Fuel Industry's Framing of Carbon Capture and Storage: Faith in Innovation, Value Instrumentalization, and Status Quo Maintenance." Journal of Cleaner Production 252:119767.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2020. "Spectacular Reassurance Strategies: How to Reduce Environmental Concern while Accelerating Environmental Harm." Environmental Politics 29(2):257-277.
  • Research Highlight: Zabala, Aiora. 2019. "Spectacular Environmentalism." Nature Sustainability 2(1):8.

Stuart, Diana and Ryan Gunderson. 2020. "Human-Animal Relations in the Capitalocene: Environmental Impacts and Alternatives." Environmental Sociology 6(1):68-81.

Petersen, Brian, Diana Stuart, and Ryan Gunderson. 2019. "Reconceptualizing Climate Change Denial: Ideological Denialism Misdiagnoses Climate Change and Limits Effective Action." Human Ecology Review 25(2):117-141.

Houser, Matthew, Ryan Gunderson, and Diana Stuart. 2019. "Farmers' Perceptions of Climate Change in Social Context: Toward a Political Economy of Relevance." Sociologia Ruralis 59(4): 789-809.
  • Featured in the Daily Yonder

Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. 2019. "The Political Economy of Geoengineering as Plan B: Technological Rationality, Moral Hazard, and New Technology." New Political Economy 24(5):696-715.
  • News & Views review: Givens, Jennifer E. 2018. "Geoengineering in Context." Nature Sustainability 1(9):459-460.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2019. "Work Time Reduction and Economic Democracy as Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: Or, Why the Climate Needs a Renewed Labor Movement." Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 9(1):35-44.

Stuart, Diana, Ryan Gunderson, and Brian Petersen. 2019. "Climate Change and the Polanyian Counter-Movement: Carbon Markets or Degrowth?" New Political Economy 24(1):89-102.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2018. “Global Environmental Governance Should Be Participatory: Five Problems of Scale.” International Sociology 33(6):715-737.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2018. "Degrowth and Other Quiescent Futures: Pioneering Proponents of an Idler Society." Journal of Cleaner Production 198:1574-1582.

Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, Brian Petersen, and Sun-Jin Yun. 2018. "Social Conditions to Better Realize the Environmental Gains of Alternative Energy: Degrowth and Collective Ownership." Futures 99:36-44.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2018. "Explaining Technological Impacts without Determinism: Fred Cottrell's Sociology of Technology and Energy." Energy Research & Social Science 42:127-133.

Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. 2018. “Ideological Obstacles to Effective Climate Policy: The Greening of Markets, Technology, and Growth.” Capital & Class 42(1):133-160.

Gunderson, Ryan, Brian Petersen, and Diana Stuart. 2018. “A Critical Examination of Geoengineering: Economic and Technological Rationality in Social Context.” Sustainability 10(1):269.
  • Featured in Bloomberg News.

Whitley, Cameron, Ryan Gunderson, and Meghan Charters. 2018. “Public Receptiveness to Policies Promoting Plant-Based Diets: Framing Effects and Social Psychological and Structural Influences.” Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 20(1):45-63. 

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. “Ideology Critique for the Environmental Social Sciences: What Reproduces the Treadmill of Production?” Nature and Culture 12(3):263-289.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. “Sympathetic Introspection as Method and Practice: Cooley's Contributions to Critical Qualitative Inquiry and the Theory of Mind Debate.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47(4):463-480.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. “Environmental Knowledge, Technology, and Values: Reconstructing Max Scheler’s Phenomenological Environmental Sociology.” Human Studies 40(3):401-419.

Gunderson, Ryan and Sun-Jin Yun. 2017. “South Korean Green Growth and the Jevons Paradox: An Assessment with Democratic and Degrowth Policy Recommendations.” Journal of Cleaner Production 144:239-247.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. “The Problem of Technology as Valuation Errors: The Paradox of the Means in Simmel and Scheler.” Technology in Society 48:64-69.

Dentzman, Katherine, Ryan Gunderson, and Raymond Jussaume. 2016. “Techno-Optimism as a Barrier to Overcoming Herbicide Resistance: Comparing Farmer Perceptions of the Future Potential of Herbicides.” Journal of Rural Studies 48:22-32.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2016. “The Will to Consume: Schopenhauer and Consumer Society.” Critical Horizons 17(3-4):376-389.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2016. “The Sociology of Technology before the Turn to Technology.” Technology in Society 47:40-48.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2016. “Anomie’s Eastern Origins: The Buddha’s Indirect Influence on Durkheim’s Understanding of Desire and Suffering.” European Journal of Social Theory 19(3):355-373.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2016. “Environmental Sociology and the Frankfurt School 2: Ideology, Techno-Science, Reconciliation.” Environmental Sociology 2(1):64-76.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2015. “Environmental Sociology and the Frankfurt School 1: Reason and Capital.” Environmental Sociology 1(3):224-235.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2015. “A Defense of the ‘Grand Hotel Abyss’: The Frankfurt School’s Nonideal Theory.” Acta Sociologica 58(1):25-38.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2014. “Social Barriers to Biophilia: Merging Structural and Ideational Explanations for Environmental Degradation.” The Social Science Journal 51(4):681-685.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2014. “Habermas in Environmental Thought: Anthropocentric Kantian or Forefather of Ecological Democracy?” Sociological Inquiry 84(4):626-653.
  • Abridged Chinese translation in Marxism & Reality, no. 4 (2018):129-136. Translated by Xiaofang Xiao.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2014. “The First-Generation Frankfurt School on the Animal Question: Foundations for a Normative Sociological Animal Studies.” Sociological Perspectives 57(3):285-300.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2014. “Erich Fromm’s Ecological Messianism: The First Biophilia Hypothesis as Humanistic Social Theory.” Humanity & Society 38(2):182-204.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2014. “Problems with the Defetishization Thesis: Ethical Consumerism, Alternative Food Systems, and Commodity Fetishism.” Agriculture and Human Values 31(1):109-117.
  • Earlier draft received the 2011-2012 Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society Graduate Student Paper Award.

Gunderson, Ryan and Diana Stuart. 2014. “Industrial Animal Agribusiness and Environmental Sociological Theory: Applications and Areas for Development.” International Journal of Sociology 44(1):54-74.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2013. “Recovering a Disillusioned Modernism: The Enlightened Pessimism of Classical Sociology.” Current Perspectives in Social Theory 31:129-159.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2013. “Animal Epistemology and Ethics in Schopenhauerian Metaphysics.” Environmental Ethics 35(3):349-361.

Stuart, Diana, Rebecca L. Schewe, and Ryan Gunderson. 2013. “Extending Social Theory to Farm Animals: Addressing Alienation in the Dairy Sector.” Sociologia Ruralis 53(2):201-222.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2013. “From Cattle to Capital: Exchange Value, Animal Commodification, and Barbarism.” Critical Sociology 39(2):259-275.
  • Received the 2014 Jane Goodall Award for Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship from the Section on Animals & Society of the American Sociological Association.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2012. “Meat and Inequality: Environmental Health Consequences of Livestock Agribusiness.” Environmental Justice 5(1):54-58.
  • Reprint: Pp. 101-108 in Political Ecologies of Meat, edited by Jody Emel and Harvey Neo. New York: Routledge, 2015.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2011. “The Metabolic Rifts of Livestock Agribusiness.” Organization & Environment 24(4):404-422.

Book and Encyclopedia Chapters and Peer-reviewed Research Notes

Tienhaara, Kyla, Sun-Jin Yun, and Ryan Gunderson. 2023. "South Korea's Green New Deal 2.0: Old Wine in New Bottles?" Pp. 279-298 in Routledge Handbook on the Green New Deal, edited by Kyla Tienhaara and Joanna Robinson. New York: Routledge.
Gunderson, Ryan and Thomas Dietz. 2018. “Deliberation and Catastrophic Risks.” Pp. 768-788 in The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy, edited by André Bächtiger, John S. Dryzek, Jane Mansbridge, and Mark Warren. New York: Oxford University Press.

Muschert, Glenn W. and Ryan Gunderson. 2018. "The Sociology of Simmel and Digital Divides: Information, Value, Exchange, and Sociation in the Networked Environment." Pp. 11-20 in Theorizing Digital Divides, edited by Massimo Ragnedda and Glenn W. Muschert. New York: Routledge.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. “Commodification of Nature.” Pp. 846-865 in International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Vol. II, edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Whyte, Kyle P., Ryan Gunderson, and Brett Clark. 2017. “Is Technology Use Insidious?” Pp. 41-61 in Philosophy, Technology, and the Environment, edited by David M. Kaplan. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. “Sympathy Regulated by Communicative Reason: Horkheimer, Habermas, and Animals.” Pp. 187-203 in The Persistence of Critical Theory: Culture & Civilization, Vol. 8, edited by Gabriel R. Ricci. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Gunderson, Ryan, Diana Stuart, and Brian Petersen. 2016. “Factory Farming: Impacts and Potential Solutions.” Pp. 27-37 in Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions for 2016, edited by Glenn Muschert, Brian Klocke, Robert Perrucci, and John Shefner. Chicago: Policy Press.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2012. “Horkheimer’s Pessimism and Compassion.” Telos 160:165-172.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2011. “Marx’s Comments on Animal Welfare.” Rethinking Marxism 23(4):543-548.
  • German translation in Hammel & Sittich, 2 (2022). Translated by Raul Lucarelli.
 Miscellaneous Publications

Gunderson, Ryan and Diana Stuart. 2019. "Corporate Climate Commitments: Who Should Lead Climate Action?" Resilience.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2019. "Here's to the Last Philosophes, the Frankfurt School." CounterPunch.

Stuart, Diana and Ryan Gunderson. 2019. "Toward Climate-Catalyzed Social Transformation?" ROAR Magazine.

Gunderson, Ryan and Diana Stuart. 2019. "The Green New Deal Must Transform the Economy." Truthout.

Stuart, Diana and Ryan Gunderson. 2018. "Stop Misdiagnosing Climate Change." Common Dreams.

Under Review
Charles, William and Ryan Gunderson. "Derailed and Deregulated: The Case of East Palestine, Ohio."
Gunderson, Ryan, William Charles, and Claiton Fyock. "Global Capital and Amphibian Extinctions: Ecologically Unequal Exchange with Colonial and Neocolonial Sri Lanka." 
In Preparation
Davidson, Emily and Ryan Gunderson. "Bridges and Barriers to Public Participation in Amphibian Conservation: Best Practices for Eastern Hellbender Conservation Education."
Yun, Sun-Jin and Ryan Gunderson. "Barriers to Climate Citizenship Metamorphosis: Why Climate Change Impacts Have Not Incited Effective Action."


AZA Cryptobranchid Interest Group Conservation Grant, Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 ($1,800)
Fellow, 2023-2024 John W. Altman Program in the Humanities: Environmental Justice, Miami University
Outstanding Academic Advising Practice, Level B Academic Advising, Academic Affairs, Miami University, 2023

Scholar, Climate Social Science Network, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Brown University, Fall 2020 -
Miami University Junior Faculty Scholar Award, 2020

Joint Researcher, Research Center on the Commons and Sustainable Society, Social Science Korea, Jeju National University, Fall 2019 - Spring 2021

Association for Environmental Studies & Sciences Early Career Award, 2019

Designation for Outstanding and Sustained Service to the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Miami University, Spring 2018

College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Grant for “The Green Growth Strategy and the Jevons Paradox,” Miami University, 2016

Jane Goodall Award for Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship from the Section on Animals & Society of the American Sociological Association, 2014

Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Michigan State University, Spring 2014

Animal Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Michigan State University, Fall 2013

Future Academic Scholars in Teaching Fellowship, Michigan State University, 2012 – 2013

Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society Graduate Student Paper Award, 2011 – 2012

Animal Studies Graduate Fellowship, Michigan State University, 2011 – 2012

Chet Meeks Scholarship Award, University of Wyoming, 2011

Sociology Department Summer Research Grant, University of Wyoming, 2010


Miami University

Environment, Society & Justice; Introduction to Social Justice Studies; Research Methods; Social Problems; Social Stratification; Sociological Theory; Sociology in a Global Context

Michigan State University

International Development and Change (online course); Society and the Individual (face-to-face and online courses)

As Teaching Assistant: Criminology (hybrid course); Family and Society; Modern Society of Vietnam, China and Japan; People and Environment; Society and the Individual; Technology and Society (online course)

University of Wyoming

As Teaching Assistant: Principles of Sociology; Race and Ethnic Relations; Sociology of Religion


Gunderson, Ryan. 2024. "Powerlessness and Climate Change in the Classroom: Student Empowerment Without False Solutions?" 2024 Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association. San Diego, CA, March 22.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2023. "Identifying the Social 'Dragons of Inaction': Sociological Explanations for Climate Delay." 2023 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Sociological Association. Grand Rapids, MI. October 28.
Gunderson, Ryan (co-author: William Charles). 2023. "The Appeal and Counterproductivity of Property Destruction as a Climate Change Strategy." 2023 Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Grand Rapids, MI. March 25.
Gunderson, Ryan (co-author: William Charles). 2023. "A Sociological Analysis of 'Climatage'." Social Research Workshop (virtual). University of Tennessee-Knoxville. February 17. Invited Speaker.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2022. "The Chasm Between Climate Change Concern and Effective Action: A Political-Economic Explanation for the Environmental Value-Action Gap." Psychological Science and the Climate Crisis Symposium (virtual). Department of Psychology Climate Action Committee, University of Arizona. May 6. Invited speaker.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2022. "Ideological vs Transitional Climate Change Solutions." Environmental Sociology seminar (virtual). Northern Michigan University. March 30. Invited speaker.
Gunderson, Ryan. 2021. "What Should Be Done When Students Feel Helpless About Climate Change? Helplessness as a Social Condition, Not Only an Emotion." 2021 Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (virtual). June 28.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2020. "How to Phase Out Fossil Fuels: The Potential and Limits of Litigation, Nationalization, and Economic Democracy." Ecological Democracy and the Politics of Nature (virtual conference/seminar). University of Dayton, May 1. Invited keynote.

Gunderson, Ryan (co-authors: Diana Stuart and Brian Petersen). 2019. "Can Carbon Capture and Storage Contribute to East Asia's Energy Transition? Socio-Ecological Considerations." 7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia. Seoul, South Korea, October 27. Invited speaker.

Gunderson, Ryan (co-authors: Diana Stuart and Brian Petersen). 2019. "Does Carbon Capture and Storage Deter or Facilitate a Sustainable Future? The Fossil Fuel Industry's Framing of Post-Combustion Technology." 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences. Orlando, FL, June 28.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2019. "Limits to Technological Climate Change Solutions: Why Mitigation Also Requires Social Change." Environmental Resilience Institute Fellows Speaker Series, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN, March 28. Invited speaker.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2018. "Explaining Technology's Impacts without Determinism or Actor-Network Theory: Fred Cottrell's Sociology of Technology." 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA, August 14.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2018. "Spectacular Reassurance Strategies: How to Reduce Environmental Action while Accelerating Environmental Harm." 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Philadelphia, PA, August 12.

Gunderson, Ryan (co-authors: Diana Stuart, Brian Petersen, and Sun-Jin Yun). 2018. "Social Conditions to Better Realize the Environmental Gains of Alternative Energy: Degrowth and Collective Ownership." Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea, June 11. Invited keynote.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. "Values, Technology, and Environmental Knowledge: Reconstructing Max Scheler's Phenomenological Environmental Sociology." 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Montreal, Canada, August 15.

Gunderson, Ryan (co-authors: Diana Stuart and Brian Petersen). 2017. "Ideological Obstacles to Effective Climate Policy: The Greening of Markets, Technology, and Growth." 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Montreal, Canada, August 12.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2017. "Overcoming Ideology in Climate Policy: 'Green' Markets, Technology, and Growth vs. the Alternatives." The Brain Korea 21 Plus Colloquium in Seoul National University's Graduate School of Environmental Studies. Seoul, South Korea, March 22. Invited keynote.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2016. “The Sociology of Technology before the Turn to Technology: Insights from Classical Sociology.” 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Seattle, WA, August 21.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2016. “Why Global Environmental Governance Should Be Participatory: Empirical and Theoretical Justifications and the Problem of Scale.” 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Seattle, WA, August 20.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2015. “Anomie’s Eastern Origins: The Buddha’s Indirect Influence on Durkheim’s Understanding of Desire and Suffering.” 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL, August 24.

Stuart, Diana (presented by second author, Ryan Gunderson, due to scheduling conflict). 2015. “Animals as Fictitious Commodities: Exploitation, Consequences, and Counter-Movements.” 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL, August 24.

Gunderson, Ryan (co-authors: Brian Petersen and Diana Stuart). 2014. “A Critical Examination of Geoengineering: From How to Why.” 2014 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Sociological Association. Muskegon, MI, October 25.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2013. “Environmental Sociology and the Frankfurt School: Dormant Insights from the Midcentury.” 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. New York, NY, August 13.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2013. “Problems with the Defetishization Thesis.” 2013 Annual Meeting of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society. East Lansing, MI, June 20.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2013. “The Biophilia Hypothesis Before E. O. Wilson: Human-Nature Relations in Erich Fromm’s Social Psychology.” Michigan State University's Environmental Science and Policy Program's Student Research Seminar Series. East Lansing, MI, February 21.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2012. “The Frankfurt School on the Animal Question.” 2012 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Sociological Association. Grand Rapids, MI, October 27.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2012. “Problems with the Defetishization Thesis: The Case of a Farmer’s Market.” 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Denver, CO, August 19.

Gunderson, Ryan. 2011. “Horkheimer’s Pessimism and Compassion.” University of Wyoming's Graduate Conference of Celebration and Criticism. Laramie, WY, April 2.


Professional Associations

American Sociological Association, Member, 2010 - (most years)

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2013 -

Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2016 - (most years)

Service to the Profession

Member, Membership Committee, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, Fall 2021 -
Chair, Section on Animals & Society of the American Sociological Association Awards Committee, 2017

Secretary-Treasurer, Section on Animals & Society of the American Sociological Association, 2015 – 2018

Member, Section on Animals & Society of the American Sociological Association Awards Committee, 2015

Member, Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, 2012 – 2013

Manuscript Reviewer

Agriculture and Human Values; American Journal of Sociology; American Sociological Review; Anthrozoös; Capital & Class; Communications Earth & Environment; Constellations; Critical Sociology; Cultural Sociology; Development and Change; Discover Sustainability; Distinktion; Energy Policy; Energy Research & Social Science; Environment & Behavior; Environmental Politics; Environmental Sociology; European Journal of Social Theory; Futures; Geoforum; Global Environmental Change; Global Environmental Politics; Globalizations; Human Studies; International Journal of Sociology; Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour; Journal of Cleaner Production; Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences; Journal of Political Ecology; Journal of Rural Studies; Nature and Culture; New Political Economy; Organization & Environment; Progress in Human Geography; Qualitative Sociology; Reptiles & Amphibians; Research in Political Economy; Social Justice Research; Social Forces; Social Problems; Social Science Computer Review; Society & Animals; Society & Natural Resources; Sociological Focus; Sociological Forum; Sociological Inquiry; Sociological Perspectives; Socius; Sustainability; Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy; World Development Sustainability
Member, Editorial Board of Sociological Focus (official journal of the North Central Sociological Association), 2021 -

Proposal Reviewer

Panelist, NSF's “Using the Rules of Life to Address Societal Challenges,” 2023

Reviewer, Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities, "Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World," 2021
Panelist, Research Executive Agency of the European Commission, "Area 10: Empowering citizens for the transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe," 2021
Reviewer, NSF's Science, Technology, and Society Program, 2020

Service to Students 

Member, Gillian Hart's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2023 - Fall 2024

Advisor, Bamidele Osamika's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2022 - Spring 2023
Member, Heather Craska's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2022 - Spring 2023
Advisor, Daniel Kreiman's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2021 - Fall 2021
Member, Jessica Stoyko's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2020 - Fall 2021
Advisor, Matthew Megura's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Fall 2020 - Spring 2021
Advisor, Noah Miller's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2020 - Fall 2020

Social Justice Studies Co-representative, Community Justice and Wellbeing Living Learning Community, Office of Residence Life, Fall 2018 -  

Advisor, Emmanuel Ogundipe's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Spring 2017 - Fall 2019

Member, Max Leveridge's Master's Advisory Committee (Miami University), Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

Outside Member, Laurent Cilia’s Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Committees (University of Colorado at Boulder), Spring 2017 –  Spring 2020
Member, Brian Marbury’s Thesis Committee (Northern Arizona University), Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

International Thesis Advisor of Francesco Blaganò (University of Calabria), Spring 2016

Service to Universities/Divisions

Member, Director of Sustainability Search Committee, Miami University, Summer 2022
Co-chair (Spring 2023 -), Member (Spring 2022 -), Sustainability Committee, Miami University

Member, Chair Search for the Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020
Member, Advisory Committee of the Western Center for Social Impact and Innovation, Western Program, Miami University, Fall 2018 - Spring 2021

Member, Environmental Policy and Advocacy Search Committee, Western Program, Miami University, Fall 2018 - Spring 2019

Co-director, Social Justice Scholars, University Academic Scholars Program, Miami University, Fall 2017 - 

Judge, 2015 Miami University Graduate School Graduate Research Forum, Oct. 30th 2015, Shriver Center and Art Building

Panel Moderator, Neoliberalism and Public Higher Education, Michigan State University, The Julian Samora Research Institute, Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, March 27, 2015

Faculty Co-advisor, Student Animals and Society Institute, Michigan State University Chapter, 2015

Service to Departments 
Lead Department Advisor for Sociology and Social Justice Students, Miami University
Member, SJS/Criminology VAP Search Committee, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Spring 2022 - Summer 2022
Chair, Sociology Component, Miami University, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022

Chair, Merit Document Revision Committee, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
Member, Organizational Leadership Search Committee, Miami University, Fall 2019
Member, Assessment Committee, Sociology and Social Justice Studies Component, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Fall 2016 -

Member, Recruitment Committee, Sociology and Social Justice Studies Component, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Fall 2016

Department Representative, Bridges Program, Miami University, Fall 2016, Fall 2018
Member, VAP Search Committee, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Spring 2016

Member, SJS/Criminology Committee, Sociology and Social Justice Studies Component, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Spring 2016

Member, Sherry Corbett Memorial Lecture Committee, Department of Sociology and Gerontology, Miami University, Fall 2015 –